Although most of my writing is in the form of prose, there are times, seemingly out of nowhere, when a poem bursts into my mind and must be written. I’m not sure whether or not my poetry meet standards by which my poems could be called good. My poetry is, however, very satisfying to me to write. I find myself able to express in words the paintings I cannot paint, songs I cannot sing, and music I can’t play. My poetry is me, sometimes who I am or was, and sometimes who I want to be. I often write about God or to God, or about what God is teaching me. And I experience my poems as I write them, learning something about myself or my God that had previously been hidden from me. I share these poems with you to allow you get a glimpse of my God and perhaps help you to delight in Him and experience his love.
January 6, 2023
God gives my songs in the same way that he gives me poetry. They come to me almost complete, lyrics and tune together. I thoroughly enjoy this gift. I know little of music, but I do like to praise God in song. I’ve added some of my songs to this section which was originally called “My Poetry” and has been changed to “Song Lyrics and Poetry”.

A Song of Rejoicing (A Song) (August 14, 2022) Glory to God the Father Glory to God the Son Glory to the spirit Our God is three in one Holy, we adore you Holy we give you praise Holy we bring honor And worship you today We sing of your mercy We sing of your grace We sing of forgiveness We sing of your love Now as your forgiven Now as your children We’ll sing of you forever We’ll dance before your throne Our songs will never be as big As your amazing love Our steps never as delightful As the new life you brought to us We sing glory to God the Father Glory to God the Son Glory to the spirit Our God is three in one Yes, glory to God the Father Glory to God the Son Glory to the spirit Our God is three in one

I Set My Heart (a poem)
I set my heart
And I set my mind
On things above
On God so kind
Who graciously gives
And always exceeds
All my desires
And all of my needs.
Yes, if I set my heart
And set my mind
Eternal perspective
Is what I find
The struggles and problems
May not go away
But the love of my God
Is with me to stay.
When I set my heart
And set my mind
On things above
On God so kind
My heart becomes tender
It becomes more like His
Less likely to hurt others
More likely to give.
But this setting my heart
And setting my mind
Is not so easy
Is what I find
But God draws me closer
And gently reminds
All that I need
In Him I will find.
So I’ll set my heart
And I’ll set my mind
On things above
On God so kind
My eyes off myself
And seeking His face
So very grateful
For His tender embrace.
(I wrote this poem on 4/28/2007 based on Colossians 3:1-2 NIV. JK)

Always (a song) Always Always you are wonderful Always Ready to forgive me And listen to my prayers Bless me with your presence Show me that you care Always Always Always I love and adore you And cherish who you are Praise, honor, worship I love you more and more You are holy and glorious Creator and my King Almighty God, my Father My heart will always sing Always Always Always You are merciful and gracious Sovereign Lord and King Forgiving and restoring To you my heart will sing Always Always you delight me And captivate my heart Joyful I adore you To you I lift my hands You are holy and glorious Creator and my King Almighty God, my Father My heart will always sing Always Always Always May 28, 2022

Hush, Be Still Before Me
(Revised 6/28/2022)
When my / anxious thoughts
Stir / and crowd my mind
My gracious / Father speaks to me
Gives these / words of peace
Hush, / come draw closer.
Hush, / know I love you
Hush, / be still before me.
I / give you peace.
When your heart’s / disturbed within you.
And your soul’s / dissatisfied.
Remember / I love you dearly
You’re / my precious child.
Come, / come draw closer.
Come, / be satisfied.
Come, / I love you dearly.
I / give you peace.
My God, / he did heal me
Gently touched, / made me whole
Filled my heart / with his kindness
And his mercy, / and his love.
Hush, / come draw closer.
Hush, / know I love you.
Hush, / be still before me.
I / give you peace.

Jesus, You Are (a song) (July 31, 2022) Jesus, you are my life. You brought me from death to your arms. I’ll never be the same. For Jesus, you are my life. Jesus, you are my love. Suffered and died/ so I could live / eternally. No one else loves me like you. Oh, Jesus, you are my love. Jesus, you made me whole. You took what was broken within me. Showed me the way to live. Jesus, you make me whole. Jesus, you are the truth. I won’t believe the lies of the world. I will trust in you. For Jesus, you are the truth. Jesus, you are my peace Even when pain and trouble enter my life. You are always with me. Jesus, you are my peace.

Ode to the Sixties (a song)
You, Father, are so good to me, your child
Your love, Father, ‘s so good it drives me wild.
You are glorious and holy
You are infinite and kind
You love me and you saved me.
Your goodness blows my mind
You, Jesus, are so good to me, your child
Your love, Jesus, ‘s so good it drives me wild.
You’re my teacher and my Savior
You’re my truth, my way, my light
You suffered and died for me
You’re really outa sight
You, Spirit, are good to me, your child
Your love, Spirit, ‘s so good it drives me wild
You filled me and you sealed me
You convict and you move me
Now hey there Holy Spirit
I dig that you’re groovy
You, Father, are so good to me, your child
Your love, Father, ‘s so good it drives me wild.
You are glorious and holy
You are infinite and kind
You love me and you saved me.
Your goodness blows my mind

Please God, Fill My Heart (a song)
I want to feel your presence
Please God, fill my heart
I want to feel your presence
Fill up my every part
But if not, I’ll adore you
Worship you and praise
You are the one and only
God of all my days.
Moses asked to see your glory.
I ask for something, too.
I want to feel your presence
I want to know it’s you
When I bow down to praise you
Worship and adore.
Let me feel your presence
Fill me to my core.
Moses saw the Red Sea part
He saw bitter water made sweet
He saw water gush from a rock
And bread from heaven to eat
Manifestations of your glory
Great miracles from you
Yet Moses when discouraged
Asked something special, too.
Oh, to see your glory
Make yourself known to me.
I want to feel your presence
Your face I long to see
Moses asked to see your glory
After seeing the Red Sea part
I long to feel your presence
Your presence in my heart
But I will always praise you
Sing of who you are
Tell of your great wonders
Tell who made the stars
Sing of how you changed me
Made my heart more like yours
Sing of how you love me
Worship you forever more.
I want to feel your presence
Please God, fill my heart
I want to feel your presence
Fill up my every part
But if not, I’ll adore you
Worship you and praise
You are the one and only
God of all my days.

You are Holy (a song, rev. 6/30/22)
Father of mercy
Father divine
God of all comfort
Gracious and kind
I cherish and honor
And praise you today
I lift up my hands
Delight in you and pray
You are holy
Mighty and marvelous
And holy
You are holy
Jesus, my Savior
You carried my sin
Died and was buried
But you rose again
I cherish and honor
And praise you today
I lift up my hands
Delight in you and pray
You are holy
Glorious and glorified
And holy
You are holy
Spirit of God
Within me you move
You always are with me
I'm never alone
I cherish and honor
And praise you today
I lift up my hands
Delight in you and pray
You are holy
Wonderful Counselor
And holy
You are holy
God in three persons
A true mystery
One God, I love you
You’re my God, one in three
I cherish and honor
And praise you today
I lift up my hands
Delight in you and pray
You are holy
Wonderful and wondrous
And holy
Glorious and glorified
And holy
All that is good you are
And holy
You are holy

You Are the Very Reason (a song) based on Philippians 4:4-7 You, O Lord, are with me; I will rejoice in you. You, O Lord, dwell in me; I will rejoice in you. You are the very reason, I rejoice with all my heart. For you, O Lord, are with me; I will rejoice in you. I will not be anxious, O God, for you are with me. I will not be anxious, O God, about anything. You are the very reason, I can stand here and say I will not be anxious, O God, for you are with me. You, O Lord, are with me; I will tell you my requests. You, O Lord, dwell in me; and assured I will rest. You will hear my needs And provide me what is best. I know you, O Lord, are for me, and I can be at rest. Your peace that surpasses understanding will guard my heart. Your peace that surpasses understanding will guard my mind. Your peace will guard my heart and mind In your beloved Son. Your peace that surpasses understanding will guard my heart and mind. Because you are with me, I will rejoice in you. Because you dwell in me, I will rejoice in you. You are the very reason, I rejoice with all my heart. For you, O Lord, are with me; I will rejoice in you.

You Delight My Soul Dec. 30, 2022 Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” 1. Joyful, joyful, I delight in you and sing. Glory and honor, praises I bring. You satisfy my longings. make my heart like yours Joyful, joyful, I delight in you and sing. I do not deserve, Your mercy and grace. Your love and goodness Fill me as I pray. I thank you for your presence, I take joy in who you are. Joyful, joyful, I delight in you and sing. 2. O holy Father, you delight my soul. You have forgiven/ and adopted me. I am your child/ for all eternity. O holy Father, you delight my soul. Your love overwhelms me. You’ve healed my brokenness. Father of mercy Kind, compassionate. I thank you for your presence, I take joy in who you are. O, Holy Father, you delight my soul. 3. O holy Jesus, you delight my soul. One with the Father, And God’s only Son. You are love, / the light and the way. O holy Jesus, you delight my soul. You are gentle and lowly, Savior and friend You suffered and died But you rose again I thank you for your presence, I take joy in who you are O, Holy Jesus, you delight my soul 4. O Holy Spirit, you delight my soul. You have sealed me and you dwell within. You are my Helper/ and my Counselor O Holy Spirit, you delight my soul. You have sanctified me You make me more like Christ You convict and empower Of the Word / you give insight I thank you for your presence, I take joy in who you are O, Holy Spirit, you delight my soul 5. Holiest God, you delight my soul Lord of Lords, and God of all Almighty, Creator/ You are the God Most High Holiest God, you delight my soul Your steadfast love surrounds me. With comfort, peace, and rest You show me your wonders In you I am blessed I thank you for your presence, I take joy in who you are Holiest God, you delight my soul 6. Joyful, joyful, I delight in you and sing Glory and honor, praises I bring Joyful, joyful, I delight in you and sing Glory and honor, praises I bring

The Bounce in Her Step
(Matthew 2:10 “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.”)
Chronic pain tried to steal The joy and the love in her heart Let not her cane deceive you The bounce in her step shows joy. With every breath, with every step With the tone spoken with every word An aroma of God she carries with her And her smile shows her joy. Of knowing God, and being known Of awareness of his love Of being used and serving him Of these she sings her joy. She writes her poems and even songs To her loving God Rejoicing exceedingly with great joy. She delights in loving her God. Look carefully, beyond her pain Beyond her difficult past God used those things in miraculous ways The pain is not what will last. A child of God now loved and belonging A God gentle and kind, yet strong Is her rock, her shield, her strength And now he is her song. Jesus suffered and died for her Carried the weight of her sins Led her to repentance She has new life in him. She doesn’t understand, Yet knows in a special way Christ enters with her in her sufferings And she shares in his some way. Pain no longer drags her down At least not so very far She has her God, he rescues her He holds her and restores. In her God she will delight With every step and breath Let not the cane deceive you Look for the bounce in her step. Yes, look for the bounce in her step. May 16, 2022

More than all you created More than what you give My heart stirs within me I want to love you more. More than my time in the garden More than hearing birds sing More than feeling a gentle breeze I do so love you more. More than my time with my family More than a good night’s sleep More than my husband’s embrace I do so love you more. More than the waves of the ocean More than the warmth of the sun More than the sand on the shore I do so love you more You’ve blessed me more than abundantly You’ve given much more than I deserved You love me more than I can imagine My heart stirs and loves you more More is how I want to know you More is how I want to serve More is how I want to love you I want to love you more. More than all you created More than what you give My heart stirs within me I want to love you more.
May 19, 2022

Papa Abba (Based on Psalm 103) Papa Abba You are my Father. I am your child You are my everything. Papa Abba You are my Father Lord, God, and King Bless you Lord My soul cries out Bless your name My heart will sing Papa Abba, You are my Father, Healer, Redeemer You satisfy me With wonderful gifts Surely I’ll remember All your benefits Papa Abba, You're my Father Ruler of the Universe Forgiven and healed me Rescued from the pit And you crowned me With steadfast love. Papa Abba, You're my Father Rock and Shelter Righteous and good Merciful and gracious Slow to anger Abounding in love Papa Abba, You're my Father Lord, God, King I love you my Father I love you Lord I love you God Forever you’re my King Papa Abba You are my Father. I am your child You are my everything. June 1, 2022

Psalm 100 (a song) 0h, oh, oh, make a joyful noise Oh, oh, oh, to the Lord all the earth! Oh, oh, oh, serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! Know that the Lord, he is God! Know that the Lord, he is God! Know that the Lord, he is God! 0h, oh, oh, it is he who made us 0h, oh, oh, and we are his 0h, oh, oh, we are his people And the sheep of his pasture 0h, oh, oh, enter his gates with thanksgiving 0h, oh, oh, and his courts with praise! 0h, oh, oh, give thanks to him 0h, oh, oh, bless his name! For the Lord is good. For the Lord is good. For the Lord is good. For the Lord is good. 0h, oh, oh, his steadfast love 0h, oh, oh, endures forever 0h, oh, oh, and his faithfulness To all generations. To all generations. To all generations. 5/26/2022

A Psalm Praise to God who chose to love me Praise to God who holds me dear Praise to God who is all loving Praise to God who keeps me near. God was with me in my darkness God was always by my side God kept me safe while I was in danger God was with me when I cried. To God, when sleepless I looked for help To God, when tormented I sought out peace To God, when weary I turned for comfort To God, when discouraged I reached for relief. And God who is all loving And God, He set me free Healed my heart, soothed my soul, gently held me Poured his grace and His blessing over me. So praise the Lord, O my soul give Him glory. Praise the Lord, O my soul, all my days. Praise the Lord, O my soul, praise and glory. Praise the Lord, praise His Name, give Him praise. Jan.14, 2018

“You are Holy” are the lyrics to a song I wrote this morning. I will most likely make some changes to it. It’s rather long but I haven’t decided what I want to cut yet, so here it is in it’s original form.
You are Holy Father, my Father, I love and adore And Jesus, my Jesus, I cherish and love And Spirit, my Spirit, I love and treasure Holy, holy, my God one in three I cherish and honor And praise you today I lift up my hands Delight in you and pray You are holy Wonderful and wondrous And holy Glorious and glorified And holy You are holy Holy Father of mercy Father divine God of all comfort Gracious and kind You call me daughter I am your child My Father, I love you In you I delight I'll praise you forever I'll praise you today I'll sing of your wonders Delight in you and pray You are holy Mighty and marvelous And holy Awesome and beautiful And holy You are holy Holy Jesus, my Savior You carried my sin Died and was buried But you rose again Jesus, I love you You are my light The way and the truth In you I delight I'll praise you forever I'll praise you today I'll sing of your wonders Delight in you and pray You are holy Redeemer and Savior You are holy Glorious and glorified And holy You are holy Holy Spirit of God Within me you move You always are with me I'm never alone My Holy Spirit You lead and you guide Convict me of sin And stay by my side I'll praise you forever I'll praise you today Sing of your wonders Delight in you and pray You are holy Wonderful Counselor You are holy Dwelling within me And holy You are holy Holy God in three persons A true mystery One God, I love you With all of my heart Your beauty and loveliness Is all that I see In you, I found healing In you, I am free I'll praise you forever I'll praise you today Sing of your wonders Delight in you and pray You are holy Wonderful and wondrous You are holy Glorious and glorified You are holy All that is good you are And holy You are holy Holy May 24, 2022

Your Love Your Love is wonderful and amazing And beyond all I could hope for Your love is far greater than any of my previous experiences of love, care, or concern For your love is perfect It forgives and then revives, renews, and restores Your love is holy And just Your love is comforting and healing and life-giving It is steadfast, constant, forever, everlasting Your love is my shelter and home. It is my hiding place. Your love holds me, envelops me, strengthens me, and enables me to grow into the person that you created me to be. Your love humbles me. Your love is energizing and creates in me the desire to love To love you Worship you Bow before you Cry at your feet and wipe them with my tears To love others Wash their feet Tell them about you Share your greatness Point to your glory Show your love Your love Which holds me Envelops me Shelters me Is my home Your love April 18, 2020

My Psalm By God’s grace I fled, By God’s grace I escaped. Though I knew not from what I was fleeing And I knew not from what I escaped. But I removed myself from a sickness And through God’s love found a better way. God started this process before I knew him. Before I knew of his love, he was showing me the way. He opened doors which led to protection. With kindness he cared for my wounds. This process is not over, The wounds are not yet healed. But God’s love and protection surround me, In stillness with God I find rest. For I know I can count on his mercy, And the strength of his great gentleness. May 6, 1989